Saturday, September 25, 2010

Summer is over...but fall is back!

Fall is back, and I'm excited to take pictures of all the autumn colors... but I am going to miss summer. This picture was taken in the middle of summer. I love to take pictures with shallow depth of fields. It's really what I love the most when I take pictures, in fact most of my photos are taken with a wide aperture. Oh, and this is my little brother, he loves plants and flowers :]

Thursday, September 23, 2010

About me

My name is Cora and my dream is to travel the world and photograph it and its people. I have already traveled and lived in different corners of the world and intend to keep moving for the rest of my life. I was born in Geneva, Switzerland and lived in France for 11 years. I lived in Austin, Texas for 8 years and am now new to Long Island, NY. I am going to community college here and hope to transfer to a specialized school in art/photography. I'm very excited to learn more about this passion of mine and can't wait to meet people with the same interests :]